Must see – Battleground Melbourne

door | 17 jan 2022 | COVID-19 ziekte

Battleground Melbourne vertelt het verhaal van de val van de stad die werd verkozen tot de werelds meest leefbare stad, door de ogen van hen die alles riskeerden om haar te redden. Deze film is naar ons idee zo belangrijk dat we hem meteen willen verspreiden. MUST SEE – nog niet ondertiteld.

Wereldwijd zien we hetzelfde patroon: de pandemie die wordt opgeblazen, een klein groepje politici die onevenredig veel macht naar zich toetrekken en de bevolking knevelen onder disproportionele Lockdowns. De bevolking die in opstand komt, en de politie die dit met harde hand tracht te onderdrukken.

Melbourne loopt voor op ons, en in deze documentaire kijken zowel politie agenten als burgers terug op “hoe het zover heeft kunnen komen”.


“Brilliant – a powerful account of what REALLY happened. Well done Topher – you have done all of us like minded people proud! Love your work.”

“The Melbourne Protesters are the hero”s of Australia, the front line of the battle. So proud of you all. I watched every one of them live as if I was there. I am in WA and Mc clown is showing its self. Hold the line.”

“Catherine Cumming – 100% agree. The last time I stood to sing the National Anthem I could not. I stood there and cried. I grieve for our beautiful country and its wonderful people. We are being divided, segregated and separated – not by a virus but by our ‘leaders’. I pray that people will wake up and speak with their votes at the next elections. If this has not shown us that we need change in this country I don’t know what will. Praying for you Topher as your court day approaches. Let’s hope that sense – and justice – prevail.”

“Psychological warfare is not a game for the weak. Fabulous production, thank you. Stand your ground Australia.”

“If for nothing else, it was important for this film to be created to document the horrific events of the last 2 years for posterity. We can be confident that the “official” (legacy) media will memory-hole most of it. I am so grateful to Topher and his team for putting in the work to make the film.”

Well done to every single person who is shown in this film and well done to every single person who isn’t shown, but who has fought against everything thats happened over the last 2 years. Hold the line!”

“I cried my eyes out not only with sadness but with pride. We are one but we are many. I would rather die on my feet, than live on my knees. THIS IS FOR OUR KIDS”




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