On-line conferentie van het National Vaccine Information Centre – 16-18 oktober 2020

door | 12 okt 2020 | COVID-19 ziekte

Deze conferentie is in het Engels dus ik hierbij onvertaald de aankondiging:

October 16-18, 2020, NVIC is sponsoring the Fifth International Public Conference on Vaccination: Protecting Health & Autonomy in the 21st Century online. More than 40 distinguished speakers – including Dr. Joe Mercola – will be presenting critical information and perspective about vaccination, health and autonomy that you can use to protect your health freedom rights in 2021. This will be an historic conference that you can’t afford to miss!



Register today for the Fifth International Public Conference on Vaccination Oct. 16-18, 2020 with the theme of “Protecting Health and Autonomy in the 21st Century” sponsored by the National Vaccine Information Center – https://app.glueup.com/event/20563/register/


Although the names of speakers will not be available until shortly before the conference, here is a selection of title presentations:

• Aluminum Toxicity and Human Health

• Redefining Vaccine Reactions to Erase Evidence Of Harm

• From Masking to Mortality Rates: COVID-19 and What the Science Tells Us

• The New Technologies Driving the Creation of COVID-10 Vaccines

• Remembering Anthrax Vaccine: Will Coronavirus Vaccine Policy Precede the Science Again?

• Risks & Failures of HPV Vaccine for Cervical Cancer Prevention

• Consensus is Not Science Because the Science is Never Settled

• Manipulating Science to Endorse Policy and Market Products

• Using Human Fetal Cells to Make Vaccines

• Why Vaccine Mandates Violate the Ethical Principle of Informed Consent

• Inflammation, Epigenetics and Autism: Lessons Learned for COVID-19 Vaccines

• Why the Human Microbiome Matters

• What Veterinary Science Tells Us About Pet Vaccines

• Electronic Health Care Records: Tracking You From Birth to Death

• Locking Down Civil Liberties in the Name of the Public Health

• Why Homeschooling Is Under Attack and What You Can Do

• Guarding Your Life and Your Soul

• Rejecting the Culture of Death to Embrace the Sanctity of Life

• The Role of Conscience for Martin Luther and the Protestant Religion

• The Shrinking Medical Vaccine Exemption Handcuffs Doctors & Increases Vaccine Risks

• The Physician’s Duty to First, Do No Harm

• When Public Policy Invalidates Professional Judgment: A Pediatrician’s Experience

• Since When Did it Become A Crime To Support the Immune System?

• Censoring Freedom of Speech: If It Can Happen to Me, It Can Happen to Anyone

• Vitalism and Chiropractic on the Front Lines

• Grassroots Rising

• Take Back Control of Your Health

• Defending Life & Liberty In the Vaccine Culture War

• Pharmaceutical Companies Must Be Held Legally Accountable for Vaccine Injuries & Deaths

• What has Happened to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System?

• Mandatory Vaccination: Adults Are Next

• Psychological Warfare During the COVID-19 Era

• Under the Influence: The Vaccine Mandate Lobby Influencing State Legislatures

• Knowledge is Power

• Past is Prologue: What the History of the 1986 Act Reveals

• Tyranny of the Experts: Who’s Fact Checking the Fact Checkers?

• When Mother Are Silenced, Children Suffer

• Walking the Highwire: You Never Walk Alone

• Doctors Guilty of Medical Atrocities: Aushwitz, Tuskeegee, Willowbrook and Beyond

• US Vaccine Legislation and Vaccine Freedom of Choice Advocacy

Register today for the Fifth International Public Conference on Vaccination Oct. 16-18, 2020 with the theme of “Protecting Health and Autonomy in the 21st Century” sponsored by the National Vaccine Information Center – https://app.glueup.com/event/20563/register/



More information

Fifth International Conference on Vaccination

Interview dr. Joseph Mercola with Barbara Loe fisher, founder of the National Vaccine Information Center





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